Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Posture Fixes

We've all heard it at one time or another "sit up straight". If you're like me you stiffen up then relax back into your comfortable hunch as soon as they're not looking. Unfortunately, poor posture is a bad habit that can be extremely difficult to break and can cause some serious issues. I've struggled with back pain and poor posture for almost all my life and I'm still working at it. I've gathered up a few tips that I hope can help you all in your quest for good posture. :)

First Off...

Why does posture matter?

Slumping down or overarching your back can give you lumps in places you don't usually have them. It shortens the appearance of your spine which forces your midsection out- flattering, right? Here's a great image that depicts the difference in your body's appearance when you have good posture and when you have poor posture. 

Photo source HERE.

Posture can affect not only your looks, but your health. Because everything in your body is connected, your body's posture can affect your health in other areas- your back, your attention span, your digestion- it's literally all connected! Try thinking of your body as a machine; you need to care for each part or all of it can fail. Like if you forget to put oil in your car and it blows the engine up. Care for your body and it will run well for you. :)

My Posture-Fixing Tips

1. What is Good Posture?

It sounds silly, but the first thing that has helped me with improving my posture is knowing what good posture is. So let me share with you: 

Your shoulders should be rolled back and down. Initially, if you're not used to this it feels like you're sticking your chest way out! Never fear, it'll feel more natural with time. 

The bottom of your chin should be parallel to the ground. Again, if you're not used to this it may feel like you are looking down your nose at people. If you tend to get a lot of neck and shoulder pain, this helps tremendously! If you're neck is usually tilted towards the ground, it can put a huge stress on your neck and shoulder muscles because they are doing all the work to hold your head up, instead of the curvature of your spine doing the work like it's supposed to. Someone once told me "think of your head as a basketball and your neck as your wrist. If you're wrist is bent back, you can hold the ball no problem in the palm of your hand. If your wrist is bent forward, the ball feels heavier and is much harder to hold."

As my boyfriend once told me, "imagine trying to touch your bellybutton to your spine." This ensures your core is holding your lumbar spine straight and keeping the stress and slump out of your lower back. 

Stand sideways to a mirror and look at yourself. Your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should be in a straight line. If they are, then you've got it!

2. Strengthen your neck.

If your neck is your weak point try this:
  • Lie on a bed face down and hang your head off the edge. 
  • Lift your head and hold it for 10 seconds then lower it slowly. 
  • Repeat this exercise for 20 reps, 3 sets and amp it up as you feel comfortable. 
  • This exercise strengthens the back of your neck which are the muscles responsible for holding your head high. 
If your neck has a poor curve, try rolling a hand towel loosely and placing it under your neck while lying flat on your back. Keep this position for 5 minutes then, as you're comfortable, tack on 5 more minutes until you reach 20. Do these every day to see results. It takes time.

3. Strengthen your upper back/scapular muscles.

If you have access to a gym, take advantage of the rowing machines. They are terrific for building the upper back strength it takes to achieve good posture. If you don't or would rather not use them, here's an at-home alternative that works well too: 
  • Find a long stick- a broom handle or shovel would do! 
  • Get your body in your good posture position with your shoulders rolled back and down and hold this position throughout the exercise. 
  • Lie flat on your back holding the stick with both hands, just wider than a shoulder's width apart. 
  • Begin by holding the stick down at your legs then slowly raise the stick above your head.
  • Be sure to focus on your posture the entire time. Keep your shoulder blades tucked in as well. 
  • Start off with a smaller number of reps and 3 sets, then build up to more as your muscles become familiar with the exercise. 
  • This exercise strengthens the muscles under your scapula (shoulder blades) which are partially responsible for keeping your shoulders in the correct position. 
4. Strengthen your core.

This is a huge one. Your core consists of your abs, obliques (sides), and lower back muscles. Strengthening these muscles will help to stabilize your spine to help your posture.
There are a million different workouts that can improve your core strength. My personal favorite, however, is the plank. There are two ways to do this:

1. Arms extended
  • Get into a push-up position with your arms and legs extended. Hold your neck curved upward and hold this position for as long as you're comfortable. 
2. On your elbows
  • Hold yourself in a plank position on your elbows instead of your palms. Grab one fist with the other. Hold your neck curved upward and hold it as long as you're comfortable.
5. Ask for accountability.

This seems silly but it has helped me like crazy! I've asked people around me who I trust and who are with me a lot to hold me accountable for my posture. I've told them to remind me to have good posture when they notice my posture is poor. This has kept me on my toes and thinking about my posture throughout the day which is helpful in keeping good posture!

6. Pay attention!

Simply paying attention to your body can remind your to stand tall with good posture. If you notice yourself slouching, correct it. If you always have this in the back of your mind you will be more likely to improve your posture over time.

7. Be confident.

Believe in yourself! Believe you're beautiful! Find confidence inside and let it shine through you. This will automatically give your posture a little boost. Good posture is a completely free beauty fix that can make a world of a difference! :)


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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Joyful Living

JOY is not a product of circumstance

Hello lovelies! I wanted to share this photo because I literally love it so much it's the background on my laptop! It's also totally in-line with a topic I've had on my mind a lot recently- joy. I don't know about you, but I need a nice pick-me-up every once in a while. Life is tough and it can really drag you down with it's hectic schedules, money problems, negative people... Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in my life and I just can't seem to take a breath, let alone, smile! I don't have a list of the "5 secrets to happiness" I just have one simple secret to share: Sure, life is hard and so are our circumstances but joy is not a product of our circumstances, it's a choice! 

I know so many people who are unhappy with their life or what's happening around them and they say "someday things will be the way I want, and then I will be happy". How long is someday going to last? A year? A lifetime? Why waste your life away waiting for "someday" which may or may not come? It's silly! I know it can be hard to be happy when life is difficult, but choose joy. Wake up in the morning and literally tell yourself to be happy. Leave post-it notes around the house with reminders to be happy, or funny quotes or pictures. When you start to get weighed down with negative things, sit down and write a list of all the blessings in your life. Surround yourself with joy. 

I can assure you, when you make the conscious daily choice to be joyful and you strive for that goal you will start seeing things differently. It's not always easy, especially if you are in the habit of expecting disappointment. I've totally been there and still struggle with this at times. But just like training your body to be in shape, you have to train your brain to be joyful. It's hard, it's not an easy feat. But start by believing that you can be a happy person and you will find yourself more motivated to see it happen.
I now challenge you to make someone's day and share about it below in the comment section. Smile, and know you're beautiful :)


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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Coconut Beauty

My Favorite Coconut Oil Uses!

It's been all the hype this last year, and for good reason!  Coconut oil has some amazing properties and uses for health and beauty alike.  I've taken the liberty of compiling a list of my personal favorite uses for this amazing oil.  I hope you find this helpful and try some of these ideas for yourself!

First off!

I like to keep a jar of coconut oil on my vanity for convenience sake.  If you're like me and enjoy pretty things you can swap out the jar it comes in for a jar of your choice easily- I found mine at Pier 1 Imports.  Here's how to do it:

1. Set your jar of coconut oil in a pan of water, bring to a boil to melt down the oil.

2. Be careful when you handle the jar- it could be hot! Pour the melted oil into your pretty jar. 

3. Let the oil cool- you can place it in the fridge for faster cooling. Use a spoon or spatula to scoop it out of the jar for use. (Avoid using your fingers to keep germs and bacteria from transferring to the jar)

4. Keep it stored with a sealed lid (or saran wrap it before replacing the lid) and continue reading below for some great tips!

My favorite coconut oil uses!

Coconut oil is an amazing moisturizer for dry skin and, as odd as it sounds it's also amazing for oily skin!  Skin gets oily due to an overproduction of oil which typically happens as a result of stripping the oils from your skin.  I've actually found that using coconut oil as a moisturizer keeps my skin from getting oily during the day!  Bonus- it also makes my skin glow!  Try it and see if it does the same for you!
Tip:  If you are planning to wear makeup after moisturizing with coconut oil give your face an hour or so to soak in the oil to avoid having your makeup slide all over. :)

Coconut oil contains natural antiseptic qualities which guard against germs and bacteria.  Before I started using coconut oil I was getting quite a few breakouts and it drove me nuts!  On a whim, I decided to replace my moisturizer with coconut oil to see if it helped- it's incredible the difference it made for me! 
Tip:  Before applying the oil, tone your face with a little bit of apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball to help dry any breakouts.   

Makeup Remover
Coconut oil works wonderful as a makeup remover- even for waterproof makeup!
Tip: If you are having a hard time removing your makeup, run a washcloth under hot water and soak it on your eyes for a minute or two then try again with the oil. 

Face Wash
Ahh! She's crazy! Coconut oil as a face wash?! Actually it really is insane... how well it works! Here's what you do:  Melt about a 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil.  mix in an equal amount of baking soda.  Using the tips of your fingers, gently rub the mixture in small circles all over your face- be extra gentle on the eye area.  Rinse your face with hot water until all of the grittiness from the baking soda is gone, pat it dry, and Voila!  Your face will have oil remaining on it, this is normal. Allow it to soak in and it works as a moisturizer as well!

Hot Oil Hair Treatment
Though hot oil treatments are not proven to improve hair growth, there is plenty of evidence for a healthy scalp improving hair growth.  Hot oil treatments bring moisture to the scalp and massages improve blood flow to the scalp which can improve hair growth and health.  To do a hot oil treatment, melt down the coconut oil and massage it into your scalp for a few minutes.  Run the remaining oil through the length of your hair and let it sit for about 30-60 minutes.  Clean the oil from your hair with shampoo and condition only the lower 2/3 if you need some added softness.

For amazingly soft skin, use coconut oil in replacement for shaving cream (another alternative is to use extra light olive oil).  
Tip:  If you wash your body prior to shaving you will only need to rinse your skin afterwards and you will have oil remaining on your skin as an incredible moisturizer!

Post Shave/Wax
Nobody enjoys razor burn, shave bumps, or irritated skin from waxing.  To soothe your skin after hair removal, apply coconut oil to irritated areas a couple times a day.

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Beat the Freeze!

Stay moisturized through winter's dry chill

You know the signs when winter hits, the fluffy white snow, the crisp cold air, the bare trees against the blue sky- gorgeous!  Unfortunately not all the sights are so lovely.  If you're like me, your skin starts taking on the appearance of a molting snake, your hair gets an electric charge and stands on end, and your lips start to crack like nobody's business.  The good news is, you can beat the freeze!  Keep reading and I've got some simple tips that will help you enjoy the beauty of winter without becoming its victim.

Drink Water!!

I cannot stress this enough! In the summer when it's hot this seems practical, but it's just as important to do in the winter.  Drinking water will plump the cells in your body and therefore bring moisture to your skin, nails, hair, etc.  Always aim for 8 8oz glasses a day or more. If you aren't a fan of cool water in the winter you can drink warm tea as well. :)


Deep Condition Your Hair

Other times of the year you may be able to get away with using simple conditioner to keep your hair silky smooth.  Unfortunately when the air becomes bone dry it'll try to take your hair down with it as well.  Using a deep moisturizing treatment will help keep the static at bay and the flyaways tamed.  Current favorites of mine include:
Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle
It smells like coconut crème and makes your hair super shiny! 
Tip: people with fine hair, only use it on the lower 2/3 of your hair to avoid weighing down your roots.  You can find this at just about any drug store, or you can order it online HERE.
Organic Coconut Oil
It has endless uses!  I could write a whole blog on the things I use it for!  You can scoop it in it's solid form and rub it between your palms and comb it through your dry hair with your fingers for a quick static fix.  You can also use this as a hot oil treatment by melting it down and applying it to your dry or damp hair and scalp.  Let it sit for as long as long as you'd like- I usually aim for 30-60 minutes.  Wash your hair well afterwards.  
Tip: try this on a day when you'll be staying home if you're doing this for the first time to see how your hair reacts.  Again, you can find this at just about any drug store.  I always buy mine at Walmart.

 Moisturize Your Skin

I've been a lotion and cream fanatic my entire life.  I use it religiously after every shower and hand washing and for some strange reason, I also have to use it on my feet before I put on socks (I know, weird).  However, I've found the use of moisturizers essential to keeping my skin healthy and baby's butt soft.  Luckily my obsession has led me to try many many brands' products and I've been able to narrow down my all-time favorites which are all sensitive-skin-friendly:
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion

For typical daily use.

Eucerin Original Healing Cream
For deep moisture.
Olay Complete Sensitive Skin Moisturizer 
For your face.
Extra Light Olive Oil
Once in a while I like to mix this with my moisturizer and just slather it all over after a shower. It is a great moisturizer and it leaves your skin super glowy.  It is super important to make sure it is extra light unless you want to smell like a walking olive. :)


Protect Your Lips

Keeping your lips moisturized and protected from the cold is super important unless you want them to turn into sandpaper (who doesn't love kissing sandpaper?).  Using a nice lip balm is one option.  I personally like to use Vaseline as I am allergic to lanolin which is found in nearly every lip balm it seems.  Always apply a product to your lips before going out in the cold and especially at night.  Your body does most of it's rejuvenating at night so it's imperative to provide your lips with some extra moisture before you retire for a snooze.
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